
Port location Libreville
Name of port Port of Libreville
Management Gabon port management is responsible for the management of the two ports.
Port services Piloting, towing, boatage, refuelling water, hydrography, support and port crane rentals.
Available equipment Mobile cranes, 10 reach stackers, 19 forklifts, 80 trailers, and warehousing facilities
Business section Oil and gas, energy resources, industrial logistics, port projects, construction and iron ore trade.
Investment opportunities Over US$500 million worth of investment has taken place within public and private infrastructural development, as well as theconstruction of two new ports. The harbour of 45 hectares was recently built. There is also excellentrail infrastructure, river and marine infrastructure, airport infrastructure, and renovation of the main trunk road Route, Nationale 1.
Port facilities Intermodal transport by train, a container terminal of 10 hectares, 3 mobile cranes of 100 tons, 115,000 TEU per year, 2 tugs each 2000 CV, 10 mooring boats, a 5-acre platform and a 4,000 sq.m.warehouse.
Shipping Lines Maersk, CMA/CGM,SAF Marine, Nile Dutch
Gabon has two key ports, known as the port of Owendo and Port-Gentil, as well as oil terminals in Gamba and Lucina, which together handle 80% of the country’s trade. The port of Owendo is the key point of entry for most imports, while port-Gentil plays a greater role in terms of exports.

Owendo is responsible for the export of manufactured, agricultural and forestry products, along with extracted product and imports, while Port-Gentil exports most extracted and manufactured products.

Port-Gentil is the second-largest city of Gabon and its leading seaport. It is the centre of the country’s petroleum and timber industries. The port has deep water close to shore and it is relatively sheltered from ocean swells, behind Cape Lopez. Port Gentil could also become a trans-shipment hub, serving the adjacent African countries of Cameroon and The Republic of Congo.

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