
Port location Conakry
Name of port Port of Conakry
Port type Seaport
Management Port Authority of Conakry
Port services Repairs, drydock, railway and services.
Port facilities Pilotage, tugs, lifts and cranes.
Business section Oil and gas, energy, industrial logistics, port projects, renewables, pharmaceutical, hi-tech/telecom, automotive, mining and manufacturing.
Investment opportunities FDI inflow is estimated at USD 2.27 billion (UNCTAD). The mining sector attracts most of the foreign investment in Conakry.
Export opportunities Gold, aluminium ore, crude petroleum, postage stamps and special purpose ships.
Export destinations India, Ghana, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and Ireland.
Shipping lines Maersk Line, MSC and OT Africa Line.
Borders In terms of road transport and shipping to neighbouring countries, Guinea borders Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
Conakry is a port city on the Atlantic Ocean and serves as the economic, financial and cultural centre of Guinea, West Africa. Conakry terminal has carried out extension work to its wharf – a new berth of 12/340 metres – and to its 12-hectare container terminal. These projects, together with the installation of two new gantry cranes and a 5.8 MGW power plant, have brought facilities at the Port of Conakry to the highest international standards.

Conakry terminal also has a project to develop an inland container depot with a rail connection to streamline the movement of goods. The city’s economy revolves largely around the port, which has modern facilities for handling and storing cargo, through which alumina and bananas are shipped.