
Port location Bissau
Name of port Port of Bissau
Port type Seaport
Management Direccao Nacional de Marinha e portos
Port services Cranes, port facilities.
Business section Oil and gas, energy, industrial logistics, port projects, renewables, pharmaceutical, hi-tech/telecom, automotive, mining and manufacturing.
Investment opportunities Agro processing industries climate, fisheries, livestock, manufacturing, tourism and service sector, offshore oil exploration, mining resources and the timber sector.
Trade between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries reached USD 14.844 million in January February 2017, an increase of 32.64% compared to the same period of 2016.
Port facilities Container facilities available for 20/40 feet.
Export and import opportunities The top exports of Guinea-Bissau are coconuts, Brazil nuts, and cashews, non-fillet frozen fish, rough wood and oily seeds. Imports are classified as refined petroleum, rice, and malt extract, soups and broths and propylene polymers.
Export destinations India, Vietnam, China, Togo and Angola.
Import origins Portugal, Senegal, China, Spain and Pakistan.
Borders Guinea-Bissau is bordered by Senegal to the north and Guinea to the south and east.
The Port of Bissau is located on the west coast of Guinea-Bissau on the northern bank of the Canal do Geba, approximately 95 km from the Atlantic Ocean. Bissau is a general cargo port, with limited quays, accessed via an approach channel. The port has major significance to the economic development of Guinea Bissau and as a result a huge amount of investment has been made to improve poor facilities in the port since 2010.
The growth of the mining industry has been facilitated due to level improvement and investments, with the export of bauxite. Plans to develop the port to support the shipping of bauxite go back to at least 1983, when a USD 47.4 million project was announced.In terms of port operation, Bissau Port was designed to handle 5,000 containers a year, yet it serves nearly five times as many today. In terms of shipment to neighbouring countries, Guinea Bissau is bordered by Senegal to the north and Guinea to the south and east.