
Port location Port Louis
Name of port Port of Port Louis
Port type Seaport
Management Mauritius Port Authority
Port services Outer anchorage, port security, pilotage, navigational aids and port emergency services.
Port facilities Terminal 1, Terminal 2, Terminal 3, cruise tourism and oil jetty.
Business section Oil and gas, energy, industrial logistics, port projects, renewables, pharmaceutical, hi-tech/telecom, automotive, mining and manufacturing.
Export opportunities Processed fish, raw sugar, knit T-shirts, non-knit men’s shirts and non-knit men’s suits.
Imports opportunities Refined petroleum, non-fillet frozen fish, cars, broadcasting equipment and packaged medicaments.
Import origins China, India, France, South Africa and Germany.
Shipping lines Maersk Line, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), MOL and PIL.
Borders Mauritius is an island and borders the Seychelles, Madagascar, the Comoros, Maldives and Mozambique.
Port Louis is the gateway for Mauritius’s imports and exports and the country’s main port for the island nation of Mauritius. It is a critical path for trade vessels moving between Europe, Africa and India.
The Mauritius economy is based on this port and handles all of the country’s international trade and operates the biggest container facility in the Indian Ocean, accommodating today’s fourth and fifth-generation container vessels.
The Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) is responsible for Port Louis and enters into concession contracts for port and cargo handling services, promotes the use and development of the port, licenses and regulates port and marine services and implements the port’s master plan.

Port Louis receives over 2,000 vessel calls yearly from container vessels, fishing vessels and general bulk vessels and handles over 6.3 million tons of cargo, including 5.1 million tons of imports and 1.2 million tons of exports.