Port location | Casablanca |
Name of port | Port of Casablanca |
Port type | Seaport |
Management | Societe D’Exploitation des Ports (SODEP) |
Website | www.marsamaroc.co.ma |
Port services | Repairs, drydock, railway and other services. |
Port equipment | Pilotage, tugs, lifts and cranes, port services and supplies. |
Investment opportunities | Textile clothing, tourism, call centres, high-tech and agriculture. |
Business section | Oil and gas, energy, industrial logistics, port projects, renewables, pharmaceutical, hi-tech/telecom, automotive, mining and manufacturing. |
Export opportunities | Cars, insulated wire, mixed mineral or chemical fertilizers, phosphoric acid and non-knit women’s suits. |
Imports opportunities | Refined petroleum, cars, wheat, petroleum gas and insulated wire. |
Import origins | Spain, France, China, Germany and the United States. |
Shipping lines | Contenemar, Maersk Line, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), WEC Lines and ZIM. |
Borders | Morocco borders Algeria, Western Sahara, Mauritania and Spain by land and Portugal by sea. |
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