
Port location Dakar
Name of port Port of Dakar
Port type Seaport
Management Port Autonome de Dakar
Port services Cargo services, bulk and liquid cargo, pilotage, tugging, mooring/unmooring.
Port equipment Container gantries of 39.5 capacity, mobile cranes 100 T capacity and a reachstacker
Business section Oil and gas, energy, industrial logistics, port projects, renewables, pharmaceutical, hi-tech/telecom, automotive, mining and manufacturing.
Investment opportunities Agriculture and agribusiness, seafood and aquaculture, tourism, health and ICT.
Export opportunities Gold, non-fillet frozen fish, cement, phosphoric acid and refined petroleum.
Import destinations China, France, India, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Shipping lines Hapag Lloyd, Libra, Maersk Line, Mediterranean Shipping Company MSC, OT Africa Line and ZIM.
Borders Senegal borders Guinea, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali and Mauritania by land and Cape Verde by sea.
The Port of Dakar is known for its strategic crossroad between Europe, North America, South America and West Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as being the capital of Senegal and one of the major seaports in West Africa. The port is located between the mouths of the Senegal and Gambia rivers on the Southern Cape Verde Peninsula. The Port of Dakar’s Leopold Sedar Senghor International Airport is a major stopping point for flights travelling between South America and Europe.

The port has one of the largest deep-water seaports along the West Africa coastline and is ranked high on cargo volumes after Richard Bay, Durban, Lagos and Abidjan. Dakar port provides excellent shelter to ships.
More than 2,406 vessels, including 786 container ships, 443 cargo vessels, 339 carriers, 290 tankers, 245 fishing vessels, 41 ore tankers, and 22 cruise ships a total of over 8.1 million tons of cargo is handled, including almost three million tons of liquid bulk, almost three million tons of containerised cargo, 2.2 million tons of solid bulk, 1.3 million tons of transit cargo, and 779,000 tons of transhipments visit the port of Dakar annually.