The ALPHA platform creates formidable opportunities and reflects an incredible source of business development leads for a vast network of companies looking for suitable business partners across the entire continent of Africa.

Carlos Ahenkorah

Deputy Minister for Trade and Industries Ghana

Accra, Ghana

The Port of Houston was very pleased to be associated with such an important event in Bremen. We believe ALPHA has a vital role to play in the future development of trade between Africa and the rest of the world.

Will Whitehouse

Senior Trade Development Manager

Port of Houston

Never has there been a better time to see the development of the important business trading hub as represented by ALPHA. This company ushers in an exciting new era for international logistics experts.

Elise Rodriguez

Universal Africa Lines, America

Alpha Logistics Port Hub Association (ALPHA) is a very welcome resource and a voice of authority for any company seeking to build business relationships throughout the continent of Africa.

Dublin Chamber of Commerce

During our exploration of suitable business potential within Africa, ALPHA was there every step of the way to guide us and assist us with their expertise as we looked in depth at every possible opportunity that was available to us.


We were very impressed with the high level of vision, expertise and resources demonstrated at the ALPHA lunch in Bremen. We see a very successful future for this company.

Patrice Melom

CEO Port of Kribi


As the local sponsor of the ALPHA launch in Bremen we were honoured to have this opportunity and to see such a strong international presence, while sharing in the exchange of so many interesting ideas in relation to trading with African nations.

Stephan Rössler

Sales Director

EMS Log GmbH